Latest Sermon:
Older Sermons and Talks Below:
Through One Man - Romans 5:12-21
a sermon from the 26th of January, 2025
Romans 5:3-11
a sermon from the 19th of January, 2025
Since we have been justified by faith - Romans 5:1-2
a sermon from the 12th of January, 2025
Bitterness and Its Spawn
A sermon from guest preacher Craig Eagle, from the 5th of January, 2025.
3rd of Advent - Matthew 2:1-12
a sermon from the 15th of December, 2024
2nd of Advent - Matthew 1:18-25
a sermon from the 8th of December, 2024
1st of Advent - Matthew 1:1-17
a sermon from the 1st of December, 2024
Why It Depends on Faith - Romans 4:15-25
a sermon from the 17th of November, 2024
The One Who Does Not Work Believes - Romans 4:5-15
a sermon from the 10th of November, 2024
Romans 4:1-5
a sermon from guest Al Gordon on the 3rd of November, 2024
The Stopped Mouth and the Opened Ear - Romans 3:19-31
a sermon from the 27th of October, 2024
What For? What Then? What Now? Romans 3:1-20
a sermon from the 20th of October, 2024
Relying on What? Romans 2:17-29
a sermon from the 13th of October, 2024
No Excuses, No Escape, and No Hope, Unless... Romans 2:1-16
a sermon from the 6th of October, 2024
A Bad Trade - Romans 1:18-32
a sermon from the 29th of September, 2024.
Things Revealed - Romans 1:16-25
a sermon from the 22nd of September, 2024
Encouragement, Confidence, and the Way We Can Be Ok - Romans 1:7-17
A sermon from the 15th of September, 2024.
Promised, Declared, Received - Romans 1:1-7
a sermon from the 8th of September, 2024
Becoming the Father - Luke 15:11-31
The third and final sermon from the Parable of the Two Sons, from the 1st of September, 2024.
The Elder Brother - Luke 15:11-31
The second sermon from the Parable of the Two Sons, from the 18th of August, 2024.
The Lost Son - Luke 15:11-31
The first of three sermons from the parable of the Prodigal Son (or the Two Sons), from the 11th of August, 2024.
What Can We Know? Ecclesiastes 9-10
a sermon from the 10th of July, 2024
What Are My Limits? Ecclesiastes 9:1-10:20
a sermon from the 30th of June, 2024
What is the Time? Ecclesiastes 3:1-4:16
a sermon from the 23rd of June, 2024
What is the Point? Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
a sermon from the 16th of June, 2024
a sermon from the 9th of June, 2024
Babylon and God's Answer (God's Sovereignty) - Habakkuk 1:12-2:20
a sermon from the 2nd of June, 2024
Habakkuk 1:1-11
An introduction to a series from the prophet Habakkuk. From the 19th of May 2024.
Beholding the Trinity - Isaiah 6:1-8, Romans 8:12-17
a sermon from the 26th of May, 2024.
Jesus Who Was Taken Up - Acts 1:1-11
a sermon from the 12th of May, 2024
What Good is Forgiveness?
a message from the 28th of April, 2024
How Can I Forgive? Matthew 18:21-35
a sermon from the 21st of April, 2024
Lift Up Your Eyes - John 4:31-38
a message from the 14th of April 2024
Glory in the Church - Ephesians 3:14-21
a message from the 7th of April, 2024
And They Were Very Afraid - Mark 16:1-8
an Easter message from the 31st of March, 2024.
Blessed is he - Mark 1:1-11 (Psalm 24)
A Palm Sunday message from the 24th of March, 2024.
Guest Speaker: Nick Kegiak
a message (and songs) from the 17th of March, 2024
The Meaning of the Kingdom
This is a message by our special visitor, Matt Durkee from Friends in Action.
Denial. Darkness, Death - Mark 14:53-15:41
sermon from the 3rd of March, 2024
A Kiss, A Sword, and the Kingdom - Mark 14:43-65
a sermon from the 25th of February, 2024
The Agony, the Cup, the Garden - Mark 14:32-52
a sermon from the 18th of February, 2024
The Temple - Mark 11:11-25
a sermon from the 3rd of February, 2024
The Ransom - Mark 10:32-45
a sermon from the 28th of January, 2024.
What is Possible With God - Mark 10:13-31
a sermon from the 21st of January, 2024
View On the Mountain - Mark 9:2-19
a sermon from the 14th of January, 2024
The Sower Sows the Word - Mark 4
A New Year's message and backtrack to an earlier part of Mark's Gospel. From the 31st of December, 2023.
The Approach - Mark 7:24-37
a sermon from the 3rd of Advent, the 17th of December, 2023
The Darkness and the Stain - Mark 7:1-23
a sermon from the 2nd of Advent, the 10th of Dec 2023
The Example of His Patience - Mark 5:21-43
a sermon from the 1st of Advent, the 3rd of December, 2023
Fear, Faith, and the Conqueror of the World - Mark 4:35-5:20
A sermon from the 26th of November, 2023.
Religion, Resistance, and Rest - Mark 2:18-28, 3:1-6
a sermon from the 19th of November, 2023
The Healing of the Deeper Wound - Mark 1:29-45
a sermon from the 12th of November, 2023
Greetings from the WCD
This message is tag teamed by Clint Mix and Graham English, our visitors from our Western Canadian District. Delivered on Nov 5th, 2023, it brought greetings and encouragements to us.
** Please note: The video cuts out in the latter part of the message but the audio carries on just fine.
The Power of the Message and the Person of the Messenger - Mark 1:14-28
a sermon from the 29th of October, 2023
Good News in the Wilderness - Mark 1:1-15
a sermon from the 22nd of October, 2023
The Message of Philemon - Pt 2
a sermon from the 15th of October, 2023
The Message of Philemon - Pt 1
a sermon from the 8th of October, 2023
How To Receive From Others
Drawing from Luke 10:38-42 amongst other passages, this is a topical message on how to receivehelp from others. It is directed at the many needs in our community right now post-evacuation. Some of those needs are material, some are related to low morale. But we can allow others to help us in our need.
A sermon from the 1st of October, 2023.
How to Give to Others
Drawing from Hebrews 13:16 amongst other passages, this is a topical message on how to do good and share with others. It is directed at the many needs in our community right now post-evacuation. Some of those needs are material, some are related to low morale. But we can seek to please the Lord by helping to meet those needs.
From the 24th of September, 2023
Some Thoughts Upon Our Return - 17 Sept 2023
Almost everyone in Yellowknife had returned home as of this Sunday. And we shared and reflected together on our evacuation.
Here is a message that brings together several thoughts post-evacuation.
Scriptures used are Jeremiah 8:11, Luke 1:46-55, Jeremiah 29:11
Back From Evacuation - 10 Sept 2023
After a tumultuous few weeks, we gathered together for our first Sunday back. At least half of the congregation did, many of us were still making the long journey home.
Here are some brief reflections on our experience (not a full sermon). They are mostly based upon Psalm 126 and Jeremiah 8:11.
Defining moments…conversations with Jesus - Matthew 14:22-33
On August 13th, we were honoured to have Dorothy and Gerald Hogenbirk visit us. They have served the Alliance Church for decades both domestically and internationally.
I Myself Will Go Down With You - Gen 45:25-46:7
a sermon from the 6th of August, 2023
Genesis 41:1-16
a message from the 16th of July, 2023
The LORD Was With Him - Genesis 39
a message from the 9th of July, 2023
More Righteous Than I - Genesis 38:12-26
a sermon from the 2nd of July, 2023.
PLEASE BE ADVISED - This message and its application mentions sexual exploitation and abuse. Nothing explicit is said but it may not be a message for everyone.
A Son Among Brothers - Gen 37:2-28
a sermon from the 25th of June, 2023
Strive and Prevail - Genesis 32:22-33:4
a return to the Book of Genesis with this sermon from the 18th of June, 2023
a sermon from the 11th of June, 2023
a sermon from the 4th of June, 2023
Ascension Sunday - Thys Hoeve
a sermon from the 21st of May, 2023
GUEST SPEAKER: Adn. Alex Prior
sermon from the 14th of May, 2023
While It Is Still Dark - John 20:1-10
An Easter message from the 9th of April, 2023
In the Morning, Behold, It Was Leah: Desire & Disappointment - Genesis 29:15-35
sermon from Palm Sunday, 2nd of April, 2023
Not Alone, and Never Left - GENESIS 28:10-22
a sermon from the 26th of March, 2023
Genesis 27
a sermon from the 19th of March, 2023
The Older Shall Serve the Younger - Genesis 25:19-34
a sermon from the 12th of March, 2023
Whether the LORD will prosper the journey - Genesis 24:1-21
a sermon from the5th of March, 2023
First Piece of the Promise - Genesis 23:1-20
sermon from the 26th of February, 2023
Jaap and Morina Feenstra
We were visited by the Feenstras, longtime Bible translators with Wycliffe. They were largely responsible for the New Testament in T'licho. It was such an honour for us to have them back in the NWT at the close of their long career.
Isaac, Ishmael, Hagar - Genesis 21
sermon from the 5th of February, 2023
Shall Not The Judge of All the Earth Do Right? Genesis 18
sermon from the 29th of January, 2023
As for you, you shall keep… GENESIS 17:1-21
sermon from the 22nd of January, 2023
How Am I To Know? Genesis 15
sermon from the 15th of January, 2023
Meeting Melchizedek - Genesis 14:17-24
sermon from the 8th of January, 2023
Take Her and Go! Genesis 12
a sermon that returns us to our series through Genesis
from 1st of January, 2023
Christmas Day Sermon, 2022
John 1:1-18
Christmas Eve Service - 24 Dec, 2022
4th Sunday of Advent - 18 December, 2022
Peace of God, God of Peace - Philippians 4:4-9
3rd Sunday of Advent - 11 December, 2022
That Joy May Be Complete - 1 John 1:1-4
2nd Sunday of Advent - Dec 4th, 2022
Endurance & Encouragement - Romans 15:4-13
1st Sunday of Advent - Nov 27th, 2022
The Day at Hand - Romans 13:8-14
Agents of the Coming Kingdom - Colossians 1:13-23
a sermon from the 20th of November, 2022 by guest, the Archdeacon Alex Prior.
Call of Abram - Genesis 11:27-12:9
a sermon from the 13th of November, 2022
A Tower Goes Up and God Comes Down - Genesis 11:1-19
a sermon from the 6th of November, 2022
Through the Flood - Genesis 6:1-16
sermon from the 20th of October, 2022
Blood Crying Out - Genesis 4:1-16
from October 23, 2022
Out of Eden - Genesis 3
from October 16, 2022
From the Dust, in the Divine Image - Genesis 2
a sermon from the 9th of October, 2022
In the Beginning - Genesis 1:1-2:3
sermon from the 2nd of October, 2022
The beginning of a series through the Book of Genesis
And Unbelievers and Outsiders Enter - 1 Corinthians 14:20-25
a sermon from the 25th of September, 2022
Seek the Peace of the City - Jeremiah 29
a sermon from the 18th of September, 2022
Rev. Binh Nguyen - Exodus 3:1-14
This is a message from our special guest. Pastor Binh serves the New Life Vietnamese Alliance Church in Montreal, Quebec.
We were honoured to have him and his wife join us.
Letter From Babylon - 1st Peter 5:1-14
The conclusion to our series through the Letter of 1st Peter. From the 28th of August, 2022
Final Words - 1 Peter 5:1-11
asermon from the 21st of August, 2022
Suffering - 1st Peter 4:12-25
a sermon from the 14th of August, 2022
What is the Time? 1st Peter 4:1-11
a sermon from the 7th of August, 2022
Always Be Ready - 1st Peter 3:13-17
a sermon from the 31st of July, 2022
Who Is There To Harm You? 1st Peter 3:13-22
sermon from the 17th of July, 2022
Heirs Together - 1st Peter 3:1-7
sermon from the 10th of July, 2022
These numbers were shown at the end of this service and have relevance given that some of the message was about domestic and family violence:
- Alison McAteer House at 1-866-223-7775
- Kid’s Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868
- NWT Helpline at 1-800-661-0844
Living as Free People - 1st Peter 2:11-25
sermon from the 3rd of July, 2022
A Living Stone and a Holy People - 1 Peter 1:24-2:12
a message from the 26th of June, 2022
Be Holy, Why? 1st Peter 1:13-25
sermon from the 19th of June, 2022
Trinity Sunday - 12 June 2022
1st PETER 1:1-2

PENTECOST SUNDAY - The Good News Preached to Us
ACTS 2:1-15, 1 PETER 1:10-12
5 June , 2022
Present Trial, Future Glory
1st Peter 1:3-9
a sermon from the 22nd of May, 2022
Hope in Exile
1st Peter 1:1-12
a sermon from the 15th of May, 2022
What is mission? and who does it?
This is a message from Week 1 of our 2 part Missions Sundays
Psalm 67, Acts 13:1-13 and 14:24-28
Unafraid to Die - Mark 16:1-8
A message from our Easter service.
(the first couple minutes of the recording were lost but the message is still intelligible)
Palm Sunday Service - 10th April, 2022
Making an Entrance - Psalm 24 & Mark 11:1-11
Sunday sermon from the 20th of March, 2022
Walking on the Waters of the World - Mark 6:45-52
Sunday Sermon from the 13th of March, 2022
Ruth 4:9-22 - Empty to Full, Dead to Alive
This is the conclusion to our series through the Book of Ruth
Sunday Sermon from the 6th of March, 2022
Ruth 3:6-4:6 - There is a Redeemer
Sunday Sermon from the 20th February, 2022
Ruth 2:19-3:18 - An Unexpected Kind of Unexpected Love
Sunday Service from the 13th of February, 2022
Psalm 115 Call to Worship
Sermon: A Kindness Not Forsaken - Ruth 1:19-2:20
Opening Prayers and Sermon from our service on the 6th of February, 2022.
Psalm 146 call to worship
Sermon: Your People, My People - Ruth 1:6-2:5
YKAC worship service from the 16th of January, 2016
Psalm 84 as call to worship
Sermon: Small Lives, Big Story - Ruth 1
What Does God Have in Store For Us? Acts 8:14-17 (see also Luke 3:15-17)
Our entire service of from the 9th of January, 2022
Guest Preacher - Maj. Ken MacCrae, Armed Forces chaplain
A Trustworthy Saying - 2nd Timothy 2:1-13
At the beginning of another uncertain year, here is a message about what is completely certain.
From the 2nd of January, 2022.
Do Not Despise the Flesh - Luke 2:1-22, 1 John 4:1-6
This message is a reflection upon the importance of our physical selves, in light of the God who took on our human flesh.
“Did Jesus put on our flesh so that we might despise it?” Jayber Crow (Wendell Berry)
a sermon from the 26th of December, 2021
Our Christmas Eve service - 2021
4th Sunday of Advent - Are You the One to Come?
Luke 7:18-35
3rd Sunday of Advent - Waiting for Consolation
Luke 2:22-38
2nd Sunday of Advent - Mother of Faith
Luke 1:39-56
1st Sunday of Advent - Anticipating Good
Luke 1:5-24
Are You Embarrassed? Mark 8:31-38
a message from the 21st of November, 2021
Whatever you ask… John 14:13-14, Mt 21:22
a message from the 14th of November, 2021
Love Your Enemies - Luke 6:27-36
a message from the 7th of November, 2021
Foxes and Birds and Following Jesus - Luke 9:57 - 10:1
A message from the 31st of October, 2021.
* the reading and the first minute were not recorded but the message is still comprehensible.
If You Forgive Others - Matthew 6:14-15, 18:21
A message from our online service, 17th October, 2021.
Do Just As I Have Done To You - John 13:1-17
A message from our online service, 10th October, 2021.
Do Not Be Anxious For Your Life - Matt 6:25-34
A message from our online service on the 3rd of October, 2021.
No One Comes... Except...
John 14:1-11
A sermon from our online service. The 26th of September, 2021.
Go and Make Disciples of All Nations
Matthew 28:16-21
A sermon from the 19th of September, 2021.
This is a Hard Saying... John 6:57-71
The beginning of a new series in which we look at some of the harder saying of Jesus to hear. Not hard to understand, but rather hard to accept. If we will not turn away from these words, he promises to give us life.
A sermon from the 12th of September, 2021
What is Your Boast? Galatians 6:11-18
From the 5th of September, 2021, the conclusion to our series through the Book of Galatians.
Bearing Burdens and Doing Good - Galatians 6:1-10
Pastor Steve returns to the Book of Galatians with a sermon about what the Gospel message causes a community to look like.
(the sermon begins at the 14:00 minute mark following some other remarks)
Sometimes, the Work For Christ is Hard - Philippians 1:12-2:2
A message by Nathaniel Fillion from the 15th of August, 2021
Wrestle With Weakness and Mature - Genesis 32:24-31
A message by Thys Hoeve from the 8th of August, 2021
Set Free To Be Free
Galatians 5:1-15
a sermon from the 25th of July, 2021
Only 2 Types of People in the World -
Galatians 4:12-5:1
a sermon from the 18th of July, 2021
Delivered from the Elements of the World -
Galatians 4:1-11
a sermon from the 11th of July, 2021.
Now That Faith Has Come - Galatians 3:13-4:7
If the promises of God cannot come by the law, then why was the law given to Israel? It was for a time - to guard and teach until the time that faith has come.
sermon from 4th of July, 2021
Blessing for Curse - Galatians 3:10-14
a sermon from the 27th of June, 2021
Consider Abraham - Galatians 1:1-9
a sermon from the 20th of June, 2021
Get in Step with the Truth of the Gospel - Galatians 2:1-14
The truth of the Gospel requires straight-walking. Straight walking or else what we believe, what we do, and what we are can get crooked.
A sermon from the 6th of June, 2021
Getting Our Bearings, Staying on Course -Galatians 1:1-24
Our outdoor service from the 30th of May, 2021.
We begin to explore the letter to the Galatians.
Are You Experienced? Pentecost 2021
Acts 2:1-4, Galatians 3:1-6
How To Be Above It All - Ascension Sunday - 16 May '21
LUKE 24:50-53 - COLOSSIANS 3:1-11
In this message, we hear of perhaps the most overlooked and under-appreciated part of the Christian Gospel: that Christ has ascended to heaven. And we have been raised up with him. Personally, though, we must resist being pulled back down. And politically, we must resist trying to pull Him down.
Discernment in Love - 9 May 2021
An outdoor service in which we hear how to be discerning with the wisdom of the LORD.
sermon by Kevin Durkee
Respond, Receive, Remember - A Sermon on Baptism
Acts 2:37-41
Baptism is a vital part of Christian discipleship; if you want to follow him, the path leads through water. In this message, Steve describes how some of us need to respond to the message of Jesus - and this involves baptism. Some need to receive baptism, not as an act of self-expression but as something done to us. Many, who have baptism in our past, need to remember our baptism, as a source of strength and encouragement to live into the future.
The Promise, Problem, and Purpose of the Church
Acts 20:28, Galatians 5:13-15
To convince someone of the importance of the church is sometimes more difficult to convince them of the existence of God or the identity of Jesus. Yet Jesus placed such value on the community of faith that he 'shed his blood for her.' Do we place a similar value on our local church?
Lemme Tell Ya 'Bout Him - Psalm 66
18 April 2021
A message from elder Art Durkee
How Well Do You Know Jesus?
Philippians 3:8
Elder Jamie Donison gives a message on knowing Jesus for ourselves. What do we need to give up to know Jesus more? What things can we do?
11 April 2021
What Are You Waiting For? Malachi - 28 March 2021
Malachi 3:16-4:6
Prophets speak of the future. We can forget that as we study how they speak into their settings and ours. But the cry of the prophet does reach into the future and proclaim it into the present. We will give our best when we believe the best is yet to come. Because we are not what we should be, and the world is not yet what it ought to be, we can never forget to look to what is to come.
What Is It All About? Zechariah - 21 March 2021
Zechariah 9:9-17
In the midst of arguably the most difficult prophet to interpret, we may ask the question: what is this all about? We need a fixed point to guide our interpretations. That fixed point is the Messiah to come, Jesus, whom Zechariah predicts most vividly. We also need a fixed point to lead us through the tangle of our lives. Once again, it is Jesus. Unless we are led out of ourselves, we will always be prisoners of self. But Christ sets us free to be "prisoners of hope".
Are You Going To Live In Hope? Haggai - 14 March 2021
Haggai 1:3-11, 2:1-9
Why don't we do what we know we ought to do? Why don't we just get off our butts? It almost always not out of a lack of knowledge. And being told we ought to - with a burden of obligation, duty, or guilt - doesn't help much. What does help? Hope helps. And living in hope is true motivation.
What Are You Doing, God? Habakkuk - 7 March 2021
Habakkuk 3
What is going on? What is happening in the world? What is God doing in my life? It not an absence of faith or failure of trust to wrestle with questions such as these. In fact, as the prophet Habakkuk shows us, it may even be our obligation if we want to gain deep and meaningful faith.
Can Any Good Come Of This? Zephaniah - 28 Feb 2021
Zephaniah 1:2-6 and 3:8-20
"They say the darkest hour, is right before the dawn..." That thought resonates in the human heart; a desire that good can come out of the bad. It is also a thread running through all the prophets: that things will get really, really, really bad and then get real, really, really good. But how can we be certain that things will not get worse? What is our sure guarantee that God can bring good out of bad?
Will Anyone Fight For Me? Nahum - 21 Feb 2021
Nahum 1:1- 8, 2:13 - 3:5
Hearing of wrath and vengeance can be hard to wrap our heads around. Depictions of God in those ways are often the source of objections to biblical faith. We do need to wrestle with wrath. But as we do so, is there a way to begin to warm up to it? Maybe even come to welcome it as good news?
The prophet Nahum addresses these very things.
Should We Not Pity? Jonah - 14 Feb 2021
Jonah 3:10 - 4:11
The prophet Jonah was tasked to preach. But we have virtually none of his preaching. Instead, we have his story - a story of rescue which reveals the Lord of Rescue. But what should the attitude of the rescued be? Do we have the right to be grouchy towards the just-rescued or the not-yet-rescued of the world? Do we do well to be angry (grouchy)? Or should we not pity?
How Should We Live Then? Micah - 7 February, 2021
Micah 2:1-7, 6:3-8, 7:14-20
In the face of what the Lord has to say about justice and injustice, we can be overwhelmed. By the complexity of the issues and by our own complicity in the larger sins of our society. One thing we can do, at least, is to refuse to say: "This is fine". And then, through God's mercy, live a just life.
Is There Any Justice? Amos - 31 January, 2021
Amos 2:6-16, 9:9-15
Justice is a hot topic these days. Issues of justice drive much our cultural discussions and controversies, especially when we add the modifier "social" to it, making it Social Justice. Turns out, God cares a great deal about Justice, which is always social. But we need to know what he means by it, whose responsible for it, and where, ultimately, it comes from.
Is It All A Waste? Joel - 24 January, 2021
Joel 1:1-12, 2:23-27
There are lots of ways we can suffer loss. Suffering comes through tragedy and sometimes it comes by our own culpability. As hard as it is to hear, some of our problems are our own fault. We may ask whether what we've gone through is all a waste. But through the prophet Joel, God assures his people that nothing is wasted, and that he will restore everything. And through Christ, he will restore the entire world.
Will You Still Love Me? Hosea - 17 January, 2021
There is possibly no greater betrayal than being cheated on by your wife or husband. That is precisely what the prophet Hosea experienced. What if we didn't see sin merely in terms of disobedience but also as spiritual adultery. And if it is that, then how the relationship between sinners and our Creator ever be restored?
Will We Hear? Obadiah - 10 January 2021
Are you troubled by the world around? Do you have questions like: Why is this happening in the world? Is there any justice? Is God always angry? Does he love me? Is there anything to hope in? How do I deal with rejection? With discouragement? How should I respond when everything around me seems off the rails? When even those who are supposed to stand for truth and goodness seem bad as everyone else or even worse?
The prophets wrestles with the same things. And their cry is both question and answer. Will we hear?
Some Scattered New Years Encouragements - 3 Jan 2021
Romans 12:3-13, Titus 2:2-6, Romans 5:1-5
The beginning of a new year is a natural time to reflect on the year just gone by (2020!) and look into the unknown one to come. In this message, Pastor Steve Swan shares some scattered encouragements for the YKAC community. That we need one another; that we share in ministry together; and that we share in an unshakable hope.
The Foolishness of the Cross - 27 December 2020
1st Corinthians 1:18-25
The message of Jesus may seem foolish but it is the wisdom of God. A good challenge: to share the foolish message with one person in the coming year.
A sermon by Elder Ed Hoeve.
Come Be King - 4th of Advent - 20th December
2 Samuel 7:1-16 - Luke 1:26-38
An old king made a promise to God, to build a house worthy of His presence. And God made a promise in return, to establish a house (dynasty) for the king and his descendants. A promise to place a king over his people forever. In our age of expressive individualism, can we really 'get' what a king is? And further, would we even want one? And what about those times when it seems the throne is empty?
Come Restore - 3rd of Advent - 13 December
Isaiah 61:1-11, John 1:19-28
Anyone who has lived awhile in this world has experiences its brokenness. Some things seem beyond repair. But there is a promise of a complete restoration to come; when all will be mended. Our task is to wait...
Come Comfort - 2nd of Advent - 6 December
Isaiah 40:1-11, Mark 1:1-18
"Comfort, comfort my people..." God speaks these words and they ultimately fulfilled by John the Baptizer, an unexpected comforter. In this season where we may be missing our regular comforts, we have opportunity to hunger for the True Comfort which is for what's to come.
Come Down - 1st of Advent - 29 November
Isaiah 64:1-12, Mark 1:9-11
To rip open the sky and come down is a big entrance. Someone who makes an entrance like that means business. Why would anyone cry out to God to enter the world that way? For justice, for mercy, and for restoration.
The Appeal of Jesus, Part 6: The Desire to be Loved - Galatians 2:20, John 21:20-25
22 November, 2020
Everyone wants to be loved. Everyone seeks love and we're either fruitless or frustrated in that search. But love is underneath most other needs in our lives. God's love in found and received in Christ. Finally, it is that desire to be loved which can draw us to Jesus.
The Appeal of Jesus, Part 5: Release from the Burden of Guilty and Shame - Galatians 3:10-12, Luke 7:36-50
15 November, 2020
To be guilty and to feel guilty are two different things. There is objective guilt (whether we've done bad or not) and also the subjective guilt or shame of feeling like we have. It creates a burden which we can try to lift in many ways. Or sometimes we just live under that burden. But there is a way for that burden to be truly lifted.
The Appeal of Jesus, Part 4: Freedom From the Fear Of Death - Hebrews 2:14-18 – John 11:11-33
8 November, 2020
Does the Christian Faith have anything to say that nobody else can say? We live in a world and a time that needs no more platitudes. Can we say anything solid? How about this: You can be free from the fear of death. Death is not in our face as in previous times. But try as we might to avoid it, we will face it. How does Jesus set us free from slavery to the fear of it?
The Appeal of Jesus, Part 3: The Attractiveness of Truth - John 18:28-41
1 November, 2020
What is truth? There's lots of ways that question could asked. But in a crises of truth, like we are living through now, the question is worthwhile. Deep down we want to know what is real and live according to it. And that attractiveness of truth can lead us to Jesus.
TheAppeal of Jesus: Part 2 - Satisfy Unfulfilled Longings - John 4:1-15
25 October, 2020
There are multiple motivations people can have for approaching Jesus with interest and placing their faith in him. This week, Steve describes how Jesus offers satisfaction for our unfulfilled existential longings in what Jesus calls "living water".
The Appeal of Jesus, Part 1: Help With a Problem - Matthew 9:18-31
18 October, 2020
There are a number of different reasons that Jesus can appeal to those who approach him. The first of which is perhaps the most simple: He can help with your problem.